Bar Build 57: Tile Hall Floor

The process really started March 2011 when I decided to rip up the old slate tile that I put down during one of my stupid idea literally set in stone phases.
Read all about ripping up the stone and the dust storm created by clicking HERE . Go ahead, I’ll wait.

When I stained the bar floor, I also stained the hallway- but did not seal it. Why? After the staining, I decided that the main entry to the house should be seperate from the bar and a little nicer. The concrete stain made it look as if one was entering from the garage right into a bar. I think you’ll agree I made the right design choice as usual because I am awesome.

I chose porcelain tile because I needed a strong enough tile to handle such a high traffic area that includes dogs, alot of mud from shoes, and snow gear.

Off to Lowes:


Each one of those boxes of tile is approximately 80 pounds, or roughly a million after loading them / unloading them from the truck.

The whole project took about two days. Had to wait for thinset to dry then grouted the next day with non-sanded grout. I used 1/16″ spacers to achieve the real look of a wood floor and got to use my new tile wet saw. Which is not as much fun as I thought it would be as I was soaked from the cutting wheel spitting water back at me. That cutting wheel is an asshole.
I also had to grind a few of the tiles down little by little to get around the stone wall. That was fun. By the way porcelain does not smell very good when burning and don’t grind under your smoke detector. Just yet something else I learned about building a home bar. What else did I learn you ask? Well, since you asked CLICK HERE for some of the shit I learned embarking on this adventure.

Ok enough babble and shameless self promotion.. Onto the pics!





Bar Build 056: Barfloor Stain

I know what you are thinking as you start to read this post-Holy shit it is a Bar Build Update. Finally!

Ever since I started this bar building endeavor, the floor has been forgotten about- banned to the “to be done someday” bin. To me, it did not make sense to do anything with floor until the major construction was done. Well major construction is done, has been done for 2 years now. Tired of the unsealed concrete generating more dust then a hoarder home, I decided to do something about it.

I ordered 2 gallons of Java Brown Stain and 2 gallons of Clear Sealer from a company called Fabcrete for a total of $194. Not too shabby- a whole floor done for 200 bucks? Not bad.

Last week, I borrowed a mop and bucket from my friend Doug and mopped the bar floor. Twice. Once with Dawn soap, once with just water. Here is a before pic taken right after I mopped:


Next, I took Madaghan out for ice cream:


After we got back, I wrapped the bottom half of the bar in brown paper. Note to self: Use cardbard next time:


Then took inventory of materials needed: Garden Sprayer (to spray the stain onto the floor), 2 gallons of Java Brown stain, 2 gallons of sealer:


Now it was time to apply the stain by spraying in circles untl the concrete was wet, backing out of the room while wearing cotton socks. First coat:


The next day and another coat:


Wait 24 hours, and mop with water and baking soda to stop the staining process.

Wait 24 hours, then coat with sealer. Wait 24 hours coat with sealer again.

Finally, done:



Bar Build 055: Then & Now Videos

I thought it would be fun to post a couple of videos. One from 2009 and one from 2012 to illustrate just how far the bar build has come.





Bar Build 054: Day 3 Finally Stoned in the Bar

Last week, Joe Russek owner Third Generation Home Builders completed the task of putting up the rock wall behind the bar. Remember when they started the job? No? CLICK HERE. Joe and his crew are consumate professionals. The type of crew that shows up when they say they will, and stay until the job is complete. If you live in the Pine Bush area and need some work job is too small or too big for these guys. Give ’em a call…(845) 800-3515

 Enough with the free commercial!! On with the show!

You’re right Capt. Obvious.

Here is Joe’s work:


View from another angle:

Bar Build 053: Stoning the Bar Day Two

Ok, 3rd step is to slap a scratch coat of thinset up onto the wire lathe.
Then wait for stone on order to arrive.


