My Vacation Part 1

I had a great vacation! Hurricane Earle was a no show and the weather could not have been better: sunny and 80s. Everyday of my vacation, I felt like the first 2 minutes and 24 seconds of this video:

What did I do? Well you know about the Bash in the Bush already. Surely, that party was a fantastic way to kick off a vacation.  But what the else did Chubby do you ask?

The Sunday after the party was a slow motion day . Everyone was barely moving, not really hung over, just really tired. I drove down to Long Island to pick up the cherub, Laurie drove down last time, it was my turn.

Monday, AJ came down to the house and we took the tents down and cleaned up the yard. The party was officially over. 

Tuesday and Wednesday was wake up whenever, eat breakfast, play x box until Laurie and the Cherub came home from work. 

On Thursday I got tires for the V dub-ya.  While waiting for the tires to be put on, I walked on down to Luigi’s, the local pizza place,  and got myself some lunch. The place was packed at 11am on a Tuesday. Seriously good food and they know the O’Shea’s by name. I would like to think it’s because I leave a nice tip for the counter peeps, but really I think Luigi has a crush on my wife.

Standing room only

New tires, new cabin filter, and an oil change set me back 500 clams. Not too shabby. I bought really nice Cooper Touring C64  tires, because well, I travel a whole helluva lot.  They come with a 80,000 mile tread warranty and is also backed by a 45-day road test, allowing you to return the tire for a full refund if you are not satisfied.

All that factored into the buying decision. Plus I deserve them because I am beautiful.

Here is what the V dub-ya looked like when I left the shop:

Off-road tire

Makes the VW look more betterer.

I am kidding of course.

After the tires were slapped on, I returned home to prepare for Hurricane Earle. I surveyed the yard putting all my daughter’s toys away, mowed the lawn, took the umbrella down and secured it, checked on the propane level then promptly called the propane company for a delivery.  We were down to 60% and with a Hurrican a comin’, I wanted to be at 100%. A full propane tank should run my house for a week. I also checked the engine on the generator to you know…make sure it was still there:

The engine is trying to communicate with me. It is telling me something.

On Thursday and Friday, I dug holes for my friend Doug. See, Doug is building a deck that me and my ladies will be hanging out on alot. So I thought  I would surprise Doug and have the holes for the footings well, dug.

Since the tractor was already at Doug’s,  I hopped into the V-dubya and drove  over with happy thoughts of digging bouncing around my empty head. Upon arrival, I discovered the fact that I am a forgetful jackass and promptly turned around to get the key for the tractor. On way back to mi casa,  I tried to run down a deer that was mocking me.  As he pranced off into the woods, I could have sworn he yelled back:” I got the tractor keys fat ass!”  That future venison burger is just lucky I am not a hunter. What a dick.

Future BBQ meat running in Doug's driveway

The following is a pictorial of my adventure in digging at Doug’s:


Sept 3rd 12:31: First Rock in Bucket


Sept 3rd 12:38 Taking the f***ing rock to its new home.

Sept 3rd 1:17 pm: Another F***ing ROCK!! GRR.

Sept 3rd 1:30: Me telling that rock how I feel.

Sept 3rd 15:28: ANOTHER ROCK! ARRRGGH!

Sept 3rd 3:29: Me telling the rock how I feel.

Sept 3rd 3:35: All the Inglorious Basterds together.


Sept. 3rd 3:35: All done!

Special Shout out to Karl K. for fixing the Big Mean Orange Machine. During one of the many battles of Chubby vs. Rock, one of the hydraulic lines could not take the pressure and leaked hydraulic fluid all over the place. Karl fixed it in about 10 minutes. Rock on Karl.

On Saturday I worked on the patio. It was already done but see what had happened was…Laurie and I kinda, sorta, installed it to far down below grade and had to be raised up. Water was collecting in a nice little private pond in front of the garage door. I tried chanting: ” Rise patio rise!”  which did not work.  I then tried lifting it up like Yoda lifting the X wing out of the swamps on Dagobah, but my Jedi powers have recently weakend, so back to the old fashioned way with levels hanging from a string, tampering, and a hammer.  It took alot longer this time and in fact as of press time is still not done.

I start with a Before Pic:

A true before pic would have included the fucked up patio!”

Yes, yes you are right Capt. Obvious. Thank you for that…helpful…<sigh>..information. I hate it when the Capt. is right. I did not take any pictures before I got to work ripping up the old water collecting patio. Instead, after I ripped up said fucked up patio, I hopped on the ye old tractor and began dumping dirt onto the low spots making it nice level. Chubby even used a chalk line to get the dirt all pretty like.

“I would have taken a before picture.”

Somehow I do not think so. I think you would have called a professional  for fear of getting your khakis dirty. Please go away. Where was I? …Oh yeah! The Semi- Before Pic:

Before pic (sorta)

See the yellow sting in the middle? Making sure it be level yo.

First stone laid! Nice and easy, nice and level.

See the blue chalk line in the above picture? That lines the top of the pavers up, so they come out nice and true. Yes, true. Not level. The pavers are not level themselves, so I want them to be nice and straight relative to one and another, hence…as Holmes on Holmes would say:” Nice and true”.

Busy vacation so far huh? Stay tuned for part 2…


Landscape Project Update

We have done alot of landscaping. Here are some new pics:
Laurie’s rockwall is nearing completion.
From the Driveway

From the Driveway


A wider view from the driveway.

A wider view from the driveway.


Laurie's new rockwall along the house. Trees or shrubs or somesort of greenery coming soon.

Laurie's new rockwall along the house. Trees or shrubs or somesort of greenery coming soon.

View from the stoop.

View from the stoop looking right

View from the stoop looking left.  The rake attachment for the tractor kicks ass and takes names.

View from the stoop looking left. The rake attachment for the tractor kicks ass and takes names.

As  you can see there is a hell of alot more to do. Still have to plant grass and put the finishing touches on the rock wall. Going to have to wait until next year for the grass-I do not want young grass taking abuse from the snowplow during the winter.

Sunday Backyard Fun

Sunday was Work in the Yard and Chase Maddie Around Day.  My job was to make sure the child did not drown or hurt herself. I had to give up my throne chair on the tractor bescause Laurie wanted to use it for her newest rock project. I’ll show you a sneak peek:



Soon to be two tiered garden.

While I made sure Madaghan did not try to escape, Laurie hopped on the tractor to collect the rocks from the area of the backyard we’re clearing out and bring them to the front of the house. She says that this method of using the tractor to carry the rocks  instead of, you know…by hand is much easier.  Oh, please take notice of her new footwear. …hell, I’m just glad she had footwear.


Laurie looking for a place to bury me.

Maddie wanted to help Mommy.

Maddie wanted to help Mommy.

 A quick newsflash!!

Madaghan quickly realized that helping Mommy was actual work and she decided she had enough of that shit.

Back to playing:

Quick video of Madaghan counting up before launch. That’s right I said, a count “up” before launch. I blame myself. 



Madaghan decided she had enough of the camera and tried to rob me:

After her attempted Robbery, I chased her all around the backyard. Ma, look away I know you get dizzy.

After the chase game it was time for dinner. Laurie took a couple of pictures of Madaghan dressed as a Jedi Knight.

 These are not the droids you are looking for.....

These are not the droids you are looking for.....


These are not the droids you are looking for....


While Laurie was cooking dinner, I traveled waaaay the hell across MiddleEarth to The Shire located deep in the woods, hidden from Mordor. Doug, or more commonly known ’round these parts as: “Man, Myth…Legend”, was preparing for battle against a builder hell bent on constructing a house to close for comfort. Doug chose his weapon wisely:

Blow Torch? Check. Propane tank in a Little Tykes Wagon? Check. No socks? Check.

Blow Torch? Check. Propane tank in a Little Tykes Wagon? Check. No socks? Check.


A very productive Sunday. Laurie found a place to bury me, Maddie committed a Robbery, Doug prepared for battle. Good times had by all.

Being logged-again.

Laurie invited Frank, one of the guys that works at the same place as Laurie, to come over the house and cut down some trees.





Tree killers!

Anyway..Frank  wants to cut down on the use of oil to heat his house. So he went out and bought a wood burning stove. I think he should of got a pellet stove like yours truly, but nobody’s perfect. Frank came over to our house about a week ago and committed Criminal Mischief with yellow spray paint to mark certain trees for death. OK, they were already dead, and he did have permission to use spray paint. 

Orange helmet spotted in the woods.

The elusive orange helmet spotted in the woods.


The chainsaw had trouble cutting through the tractor.

The chainsaw had trouble cutting through the tractor.

Bar Build 021: May Vacation 2009

Laurie and I took a vacation together to work on ‘da crib. And work we did my friends. You’ll see the pics in a moment, but first a bit of disappointing news: I know some of you were looking forward “Deck Build 2009”. A nice new deck  in the backyard, ground level running along the back of the house.  I was so excited to build a deck that I turned down an invite from the one and only Ghetto Superstar Keith from the Rhode Island contingent. He invited us to partake in Warwick Festivus. I told Keith that I am way to excited about Deck Build 2009 to participate in the festivities and that I have not one, but two Uncles, one Aunt, one cousin coming up to swing a hammer around. Seriously, how often do you get two uncles to build something? With regret, we had to pass on Warwick Festivus.

Deck Build 2009 had to be post-poned until God knows when. Why? Money. The cost of the lumber skyrocketed. I called Seekamp lumber in April and got a quote of 1200 for the lumber. So, we saved some money and had the 1200. I called on Tuesday and the new price for the deck lumber was 2000. We were 800 short! That does not even include nails, deck anchors, or the lumber for the railing. 2000 was just for deck frame and deck boards. Oh jeez. What now? What to do? Only option was to cancel Deck Build 2009. I called up Aunt Cindy and Uncle Louie and told them the sad news. They said: “You’ll get ‘em next time kid”,  ”A walk is as good as a hit” , ”Give 110%!” , ”We’re just glad you could help the team”,” don’t think; it can only hurt the ball club”,” We gotta play it one day at a time”, ”give it your best shot and the good lord willing, everything will work out”, ”it ain’t over ‘til its over”, “This is like deja vu all over again.”, “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”, “You should always go to other people’s funerals; otherwise, they won’t come to yours”.

Onto the good news.

So now we have 1200 and an entire vacation of no deck building. More stuff for the bar? No….Trees. Yuppers. Trees. I know what you are thinking, I can feel your look. “Brian, sweetheart…you live…eh..hem…in the….ummmmmm            woods. Yes. Yes I do. But with all the trees on my land, none of them are strategicly placed to block my neighbors burnt out truck we have been looking at for 5 years. I think you’all have seen it too.

Here is a reminder:

The view from the living room window. Circa 2007. Truck burnt in 2004.

The view from the living room window. Circa 2007. (Truck burnt in 2004)

Now today here is the view. You’ll notice pieces of the truck missing. But a white Ford Escort on blocks with a plastic bag over the brake drum has joined the fun in the yard. Progress?

The view today. Some of the truck is missing.

The view today. Some of the truck is missing.

Here is the view from the yard.

View from the yard

View from the yard

View from the front yard:

View from the front yard

View from the front yard


!000 in trees. What has my life come to? There are 5 more coming on Thursday. Can. not. wait.

Tired yet? This vacation is just getting started! In addition to please Mr. Lorax who speaks for the trees, we rented a dumpster and clean all the bar build debris from under the deck. I also borrowed a pair of pallet forks for the tractor to make lifting shit easier. Here is a picture of the dumpster, Big Mean Orange Machine with borrowed forks:

So long debris.

So long debris.

The Before

The Before

The After

The After

A very fun and productive vacation so far. Moving on….

In addition to the debris removed from the backyard, trees on the sideyard, the bulk of the work done during the vaction was Laurie’s rock wall. She placed each rock in place by hand, digging into the dirt so each one is set in place. This took 4 days to complete. Oh, also I forgot to mention about the new plants planted along the hill on top of the rock wall. We got those plants when we bought the trees.

Maddie enjoying the new rock wall.

Maddie enjoying the new rock wall.

The new wall

The new wall

And now it is time for a quick humor break.

Yeah I am damn cool.

Yeah I am damn cool.

That rock wall was alot of work. Now, I know what you are thinking. What about the bar? Did you do any work to the bar? How can you  go a whole vacation without giving us what we crave the most? We want bar info dammit! Ok. AJ came by and installed lights under the bar for looks and 3 different sections of  lighting in the ceiling. Here are some pictures:

Section one is for the 3 lights that will be over the bench area:

Section one: Lights over the bench

Section one: Lights over the bench

 Then the switch in the middle controls one lonely ‘ol light for above the pellet stove:

Over the pellet stove.

Over the pellet stove.


The last light switch controls the lights from across the bar.

Lights across the bar.

Lights across the bar.

And now for the best part. You ready? The lights under the bar and under the prep area:

Prep area lights

Prep area lights


Accent lights from under the bar.

Accent lights from under the bar.


Lights under the bar

Lights under the bar